NLC 9-11 Remembrance Program and First Responder Honor Ceremony
September 9, 2021
NLC gathered together as a college community to remember the tragic events that crippled our nation on September 11, 2001. We celebrated and paid tribute to the men and women First Responders who sacrificed their lives in response to the terrible attacks on that day.
During the program, not only did the Northeast Lakeview College community come together to give tribute to the memory of those who lost their lives but to also recognize those who are survivors and to gather to show kindness and unity to a community of First Responders, Essential Healthcare Personnel, and Frontline Community Responders who keep us safe every day. Local First Responders and other essential personnel were recognized during the ceremony, including the following awards:
- First Responders Award - Hillel Dorel, licensed paramedic, has been serving the San Antonio community for over twenty.
- Essential Healthcare Personnel Award - Kellum Family Medicine. This healthcare provider provided COVID-19 vaccines to employees at Northeast Lakeview College
- Frontline Community Responders Award - Ike Aigbe. Aigbe is a HEB worker at the HEB on Kitty Hawk. During the pandemic, he continued to faithfully push carts LITERALLY in the Texas sun and rain to ensure that local customers can get the items they need at HEB and bagged groceries.
Congratulations to all the recipients!